The Road To Discovery Of the Self


       With my senior year of high school closing out, we had one more project to complete before we could call all of our work done. Our class Endurance taught us a lot about what it meant to voluntarily endure and endure without having a choice. This AP while not being as intense as putting yourself through a struggle that is taxing is a plan to get over future challenges that might come our way and what to do when we are met with roadblocks.

The assignment was to complete the writing out a ¨survival guide to our future¨ where we map out a possible future for ourselves, who or what inspires us, and how we are going to get there. Me being interested in the arts and the natural sciences with multiple mental blockages in my life already wanted to devise a plan for myself that would relieve me of the most stress possible and live my dream life providing art and produce for my community.

My Personal Plan For the Future | DN | 2023

While I do enjoy the prompt of making a book our own (mine taking after a personal journal or diary) and explaining our dreams, looking ahead to possible problems or bumps in the road we might encounter this probably isn´t what my future will look like at all. I am very aware that no matter how much you plan in advance life always hits you with something out of the blue you wouldn´t expect. My dreams, might change, something might happen, but I will try and make whatever I do for a living enjoyable and fulfilling because that matters the most.


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