My Sewing Mayhem
This all started with a class our grade is taking called Endurance. We were taught about the complexities and real struggles of the Jewish people during the holocaust and how much it changes a person to go through such manipulation and control of their daily life. It taught me a lot about the human mind and how our will persists through all hardship that is thrown our way.
What we were assigned to do for this project was to have a goal in mind that we would try our best to achieve over a span of 24 hours. The 24 hours would not be consecutive but spread over a number of weeks whenever we could carve some time out to move forward with the project. Trying to master a medium of art I had never truly gotten the hang of I thought would be fun so I decided to sew. Not only sew but also create plushes that I would make for my classmates as graduation gifts for the end of the year that is approaching. My goal was to create something that I thought would fit well with every single person, making each unique and one-of-a-kind.
First was to record our hours and to do this we completed a vlog journal to keep track of any progress that we were making. Below is my vlog journal and any personal reflections I had on the tasks I accomplished over the number of time slots.

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