Immoral Moral Practice
This was the first Unit of our central class Equality and there was a lot to go over. Discussing hard issues such as abuse, discrimination, economic struggle, and environmental deterioration we were assigned to address a topic that would be just as hard to bring to light while also being an event that addresses the main themes of race, gender, and class. A topic that I had seen spread across social media, the news, and other platforms but not one that many knew a lot about was the hijab protests that started in late 2022 and are still continuing on today. Iran's government is a violent authoritarian regime that has been keeping the rights of lower-class individuals and women away for centuries. Now women are finally being empowered through the struggle and grief to fight for what's important.
Below, I have the slide version of my final printed-out zine. It won't have any images but you can read through it and below that I'll put pictures of the physical printed-out version.
Divsallar, Abdolrasool, et al. “Women in Iran: Political Representation without Rights.” Middle East Institute, 1 Feb. 2023,,as%20that%20of%20a%20man.
Summers, Juana, et al. “The History of Iran's So-Called Morality Police.” NPR, NPR, 30 Sept. 2022,
Pardis Mahdavi Provost and Executive Vice President. “Who Are Iran's Morality Police? A Scholar of the Middle East Explains Their History.” The Conversation, 2 Feb. 2023,,of%20more%20than%207%2C000%20officers.
Sahar Maranlou Lecturer. “Hijab Law in Iran over the Decades: The Continuing Battle for Reform.” The Conversation, 2 Feb. 2023,
“Iran Protests Flare in Several Cities amid Continuing Unrest.” The Guardian, Guardian New,s and Media, 17 Feb. 2023,
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