Dream House in Spanish?

 For our Spanish unit this term we took a look not only at different tenses but how we can compile them together into sentences that make sense. It was an extensive list, but in class we went over things like er, ar, and ir ending verbs, also using object pronouns and present progressive tense. The assignment to put these skills to the test was to make our own floor plan for any house we could think up as long as it contained a kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, and bedroom. Then to make cohesive sentences that string everything together. The rough draft depictions were way more detailed but we had to simplify it down to get the main idea of what the sentences were. Below are first the rough draft layouts and then the final.

Rough Draft Layout (DN) 2022
Rough Draft Layout (DN) 2022
Layout Final DN 2022
Layout Final DN 2022

The sentences were easy enough to come up with although some needed to be edited to be more inclusive to the Action Project guidelines. The final sentences and objects used are listed below.
Objects Used:
window: ventanas
chair: silla
table: mesa
desk: escritorio
computer: computadora
fridge: nevera
oven: horno
coat: saco
boots: botas
bike: bicicleta
toilet: inodoro
toothbrush: capillo de dientes

Rooms Used:
kitchen: cocina
bedroom: dormitorio
bathroom: cuarto de bano
dining room: comedor
living room: sala

Final Sentences: An Afternoon at the House

-Entro en la casa y me quito las botas y el abrigo y guardo la bicicleta.

-Despues de eso, voy a mi escritorio cerca del comedor y me siento en mi silla para trbajor en mi computadora.

-Cuando empiezo a tener hambre voy a la cocina, saco los ingredientes de le nevera y los cocino en el horno.

-  Me sirvo la cena en la mesa con mi familia y le hablo mucho.  

-Me siento a la mesa con mi familia y como y luego limpio mi plato en le basura.

-Me tomo un descanso del trabajo veo una pelicula en la television de le sala de estar antes de prepararme para ir a la cama.

-Todos suben las escaleras para prepararse para ir a la cama.

-Se sacan los pijamas del armario y se los ponen y todos van al bano a cepillarse los dientes y usar el retrete.

-Estoy leyendo un buen libro ahora mismo. Me gusta leer antes de cerrar las persianas y acostarme.

This project was one i really enjoyed. It had us think on our decisions on what to make and then incorporate it into our learning. I very much enjoyed the creative aspect and personal freedom to create any houe we could imagine. I struggled a bit  on what to make sentence wise but other than that i feel confident in the work presented. 


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